The Automatic Testing Machine | | | The Automatic Testing Machine | <p>No universal testing program exists for automated testing. Every project needs its own unique script which is created based on an extensive expert assessment. Before each new project, an exact calculation must be made of which type of testing is optimal, effective, and more economical. Only after this can automated testing and a testing robot enter the picture.<br></p><p>
“Generally speaking, testing automation speeds up the process, that’s evident. And thanks to automation, several different scenarios can be tested, the scope of the tests can be expanded, and each of them can be performed identically because robots perform scenarios absolutely the same way each and every time,” says Tomáš Mertin, an automated testing system developer at Cleverlance. As a result, testing and code writing are essentially simultaneous, and developers can fix any errors or inaccuracies within a short period of time.</p><p>
“In recent months we’ve witnessed an increase in interest in automated testing, it’s a trend, but everyone’s expecting that it will reduce the number of people involved in development. I don’t think that’s going to happen,“ says Mertin. “Automated testing will definitely speed up development. It also provides us with better knowledge of the state of the application at any given moment. But tests, deployment, operations – someone still has to maintain all that. The human dimension is going to stay,” Mertin explains, adding that he thinks automated testing will not fully replace humans. “But it will save time, which they can then spend on actual development.”</p><p>
Automated testing frameworks have proven successful in segments where development is constantly underway. Like the banking sector. “We’ve got a big project in which we’re practically building the entire digital banking framework. One phase has to precisely dovetail with the next one. These days agile management is used for things of this size, which makes it all possible,” says Jan Vajsejtl, who is in charge of testing at Komerční banka, one of the largest banks in the Czech Republic.</p><p>
In the past, large companies like banks used waterfall testing. Testers would receive completed sections while work on development would halt because the developers waited to hear what they needed to fix. If any major intervention was needed, it was followed up with another phase of testing, prolonging the work.
In the past two years, automated testing has been added to conventional, time-tested, and efficient testing methodologies. It’s proven successful wherever development is practically non-stop. The experience with it has been exceptionally good, says Komerční banka’s Jan Vajsejtl.
These are cases where automated testing makes a substantial difference. “Our experience is exceptionally good. The automated system my colleagues and I fine-tuned for our own needs allows us to test practically all devices and environments, cell phones, websites, and more,” Vajsejtl says.
Although the inside of the system is complicated, its use in practice is surprisingly easy. “I think the main advantage is that it’s essentially very simply written. So just a short, half-day training session is enough to be able to start to use it. You definitely don’t need to know how to program or have some deep technical knowledge.” </p><p>
“For me it’s a testing success. We’ve put the testing framework to practical use and tried it out; my colleagues at Cleverlance and I tailored it to Komerční banka’s needs and augmented it with additional functionality. Given the amount of development we have, it’s a really efficient thing,” Vajsejtl.<br></p> | | | | |
TaaS at O2 | | | TaaS at O2 | <p>One of the largest testing projects in the modern history of Cleverlance is currently running at O2. It has been six months since our company has won a tender for the delivery of integration testing for O2. Already since the very beginning, the project looked like a highly ambitious one – 27 specialists on the positions of senior test leader, telco analyst and test executor for the delivery of integration tests for approximately 130 applications.<br></p><p><img src="/de/blog/PublishingImages/Articles/CreateIt/TaaS-O2.jpg" data-themekey="#" alt="" style="margin:5px 0px;" />In order to get such a huge project running in the high quality guaranteed by Cleverlance, it was necessary to agree on continuous cooperation also with current O2 employees who previously worked in bodyshop mode. Their knowledge of the systems were so unique that without their help the project's start would have been much harder.<br></p><p>Cleverlance has acquired many amazing colleagues for which I am grateful and that I really enjoy working with. Not even three months after the start of the project, it became obvious how much work we still have ahead of us. The company O2, i.e., PPF, slowly started to reveal its plans for 2015. Without more information about projects covered by NDA, I can tell you that during the summer over 100 colleagues from Cleverlance will analyze, propose tests and processes and perform testing in O2. <br></p><p>A project of such scale, which will grow even bigger over time, requires precise management and economic systems. Fortunately, we have a skilled project manager and quite a few experienced test leaders. The person responsible for sourcing and operations, which is a never-ending discipline, is always doing a great job.<br></p><p>In terms of the job itself, here are the expected workloads that our teams have to handle: Only for O2 release, where the deadline is limited to 2 months, around 2000 MDs are generated, plus thousands of additional MDs for separately running transformation projects. From these numbers, it should be obvious that the workload is huge and everyone here is working hard and truly deserves praise and appreciation.<br></p> | | | | |